Check Meeting Room Availability

This is an inquiry form only. It does not reserve or book your event. To create an event booking, please see the Event Booking form.

"*" indicates required fields


To inquire about event meeting space availability for a particular date, please fill out the form below and press the submit button. Your request will be emailed to us.
After pressing the submit button, you should see a confirmation message and you should receive a submission email with a copy of your message included.

If you do not see the confirmation message, your message was not received by our staff. Please contact us to complete the request.
We can be reached at (509) 661-3118 or by using our contact form.

Your name*
What best describes your event?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
What alternate dates would you consider? You can enter up to four. Please use a 4-digit year format (YYYY)
Preferred start time*
Preferred end time*
Please enter a number from 1 to 180.
Approximately how many attendees do you expect?
Please use the above space to provide any additional information or questions.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

The Next Step

Once you’ve checked availability, book your event.