About the CTC
The Confluence Technology Center was conceived in response to increased demand by professionals, executives and academicians to host and participate in meetings, trainings and live multi-site videoconferences right here in North Central Washington.
A collaboration of visionaries that included the North Central Educational Service District and the Port of Chelan County later expanded to include a broad spectrum of people and agencies at the local, state and federal levels. United States senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell supported the project from Washington D.C., while at home, the Chelan County PUD and Wenatchee Valley College joined in to move the project forward. In the end, $12 million was assembled to build the CTC.

It’s a $12 million investment in infrastructure that encompasses the attributes sought after for business development – power rates, bandwidth and an attitude and commitment to growing companies with high-paying jobs.
The CTC represents the single largest investment in economic development ever undertaken by the Port of Chelan County. Constructing a facility to cultivate the region’s existing technology community and provide a state-of-the-art professional, technical and business training center put the Port and its partners on the map for new and expanding technology companies eager to exchange the confines of major metropolitan areas for the clean, green lifestyle of North Central Washington.